Tuesday, September 9, 2008

the thai that binds

so i picked up the times this morning. (and by picked up, i mean clicked on a bookmark -- so young, so tech savvy) and noticed a particularly interesting article about samak sundaravej, prime minister of thailand. apparently he accepted a couple baht for whipping up a few spring rolls on a cooking show and is now getting the boot outta the brown house (racialist for humor...?). new meaning to well...done. 

i hate to state the obvious here, but how the fuck is this guy so easily dethroned when our retarded cowboy (thank you, russell brand) is still in office after throwing over THREE TRILLION DOLLARS toward a war that 65% of americans feel was a mistake to begin with. 

i have a really hard time mentally measuring distances like 60 yards, but i'm pretty good with money since i envision everything in cocktails and chanel, so i can tell you -- thats a significant amount of money. but at least our economy rocks so we don't need it...

i digress.

i mean, how much could they really have buttered this guy's skillet? the equivalent of $10,  maybe? i'm not being entirely ignorant here -- i can't imagine rachel ray throwing millions at sarahcuda palin for the opportunity to hear her secrets on keeping your caribu tender or the most efficient way to fillet a trout. 

to be fair, i know shit about this story -- i've probably read about sundaravej 3-5 other times in my life, so i'm not exactly an expert. regardless, i would welcome him with open arms to either  fry me up a grilled cheese or run this country. 

PS i promise i'll go back to nonsense about gossip girl or gavin rossdale tomorrow. 

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