Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what do you get when you cross a hooker with a drunk?


i absolutely love kelly cutrone, our drunk, average-looking (yes, i'm in a good mood today) owner of people's revolution. she's relatively hilarious, recently quoted as saying '[michelle obama] is the first lady in the white house in 50 years who actually looks like she's getting fucked.' so also incredibly ballsy (might be that she's got a pair wrapped under all that...black). get a good look:

what do you see? that's right: genius. it's written all over those gals. so the story is, this brilliant tall drinka vodka got fired this weekend for sitting spitzer's call girl (who apparently has an album coming out soon, praisebetojeezus!) front row at the yigal show. i repeat GENIUS. who the fuck knows/cares about yigal. weeeeeelll everyone does now!

say what you will about pr stunts, but i'm always onboard. well, actually, not when it involves chris brown right-crossing rihanna. but if it's some naked dude w/ nothing but a target logo on his ass running across the court at wimbledon or joaquin phoenix becoming eminem and the shoebomber's love child or sarah palin, generally, i'm down.

the thing is, it's a recession. and haute couture + a cold market does not loads of money make. for example, this is the first time in a handful of years the puppy fashion week was canceled for lack of sponsorship. so i get it. we need some juice. some spice. some sex. and everyone knows sex sells. and what screams sex more than ashley dupre (i'm assuming jenna jameson was booked).

so, i stand firmly behind you and all the new business you're getting from this move, kel. keep it up. at least to distract the media so i dont have to hear about the size of jessica simpson's ass ever again.

1 comment:

Fat Bad Baby said...

Kelly Cooter-none (her legal name) is the fuckin' shiiiiiiiiiit